How Much Food Should I Actually Eat? – Optimize Humans By Sydney Brisbane
Optimize Humans By Sydney Brisbane

How Much Food Should I Actually Eat?

How Much Food Should I Actually Eat?

Let’s take a moment to consider the truth about calories. They are the vital fuel that powers our bodies, enabling us to function at our best. It’s important to understand that calories aren’t inherently bad, but rather a necessary component of a healthy and active lifestyle. Our bodies require calories for immediate energy, as well as for building up reserves to draw on later. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding calories that have led to fad diets and unhealthy practices. However, by focusing on reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity, we can support our bodies in achieving a healthy weight and balanced lifestyle. Remember, every little bit counts, and taking small steps towards a healthier lifestyle can make a big difference in the long run.

A woman eating healthy

When it comes to weight management, a caloric deficit is essential. This means carefully monitoring the number of calories you consume in relation to the calories you burn throughout the day. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all calories are created equal – the quality of the food we eat plays a significant role in our overall health and wellbeing. To achieve success in any weight loss program, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of how to properly count calories. If you’re unsure about how much food you need to consume to reach your weight loss goals, don’t worry – we can help. Today, the Optimized Humans wellness coaches are here to guide you through the process of identifying your ideal daily caloric intake.

Calculate Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) 

Welcome to our BMR calculator! As you may know, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the key factor that determines how many calories your body needs to perform its basic functions and keep you alive. Age, height, weight, body composition, and genetic makeup are all factors that affect your BMR. Here’s the exciting news – by increasing your lean muscle mass, you can raise your total BMR. Your muscles act as engines that burn calories, even when you’re at rest. That’s why we recommend incorporating strength training into your workout routine. Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, maintain your current weight, or gain weight, knowing your BMR is essential in setting your dietary goals. It helps you determine the number of calories you need to consume each day to achieve your target. Calculating your BMR using the traditional formula can be a daunting task. But no worries, we’ve got you covered. Simply use our free online BMR calculator to determine your ideal caloric targets with ease. Say goodbye to complex calculations and hello to reaching your dietary goals! Click Here to access the BMR calculator.

Know Your Calorie Consumption 

There are different ways to burn calories apart from your body’s basic energy expenditure. Regular physical activity, such as household chores or donating blood, consumes energy. But when it comes to a measurable and efficient way to burn calories, exercise is the way to go. The type and duration of exercise play a significant role in how many calories you burn. Low-impact cardio and steady-state exercises like running or cycling burn a substantial number of calories during the workout but don’t have a significant afterburn effect. Weight training doesn’t burn as many calories during the workout, but it helps to burn calories for hours afterward. High-impact routines like HIIT or martial arts offer both significant caloric expenditure and an extended afterburn. It’s important to track your calorie intake and physical activity to reach your fitness goals. Every calorie you burn above your BMR is a step closer to achieving your ideal body. While it might seem daunting, tracking your progress is crucial. So start today and make your fitness journey a success. Click Here to measure your burn rate a.k.a how many calories you will burn based on your heart rate and time of exertion.

Set Goals

Set Your Goals! 

Once you have determined your BMR and additional caloric expenditure, you can calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). This gives you an estimate of how much energy you use in a day. From here, you can set your weight loss or gain goals based on your desired body targets. If you want to lose weight, you’ll need to eat fewer calories than your TDEE, while gaining weight requires consuming more calories. Calorie counting is a flexible practice that can be used for any weight change plan since it focuses on balancing intake and expenditure. It’s important to consider how much weight you want to lose or gain and the timeframe in which you want to achieve it to determine your daily caloric target.

Measuring Your Caloric Intake

When it comes to optimizing your health, it’s important to consider a healthy rate of weight change. It’s recommended to aim for a weight change of half to one kilogram per week for both weight loss and weight gain. Going faster than that may be tempting, but it’s generally considered an unhealthy practice and may be met with disapproval from your physician. To calculate your daily caloric intake for weight gain, add 1,100 calories to your BMR and additional caloric expenditure. Conversely, to calculate your daily caloric intake for weight loss, subtract 1,100 calories from the sum of your BMR and additional caloric expenditure. However, if you’re looking to lose 1kg every week, it’s important to consider your TDEE. If your TDEE is already low, it’s not advisable to eat 1,100 calories less than your normal intake each day. Instead, a more widely accepted approach is to reduce your daily caloric intake by 500 calories. Remember, slow and steady progress is often the healthiest way to achieve your weight goals. Click Here to calculate how many calories you should consume!

Calorie Counting

Consume Your Calories Wisely 

As a member of the Optimized Humans community, it’s important to pay attention to the calories in the food you’re consuming. While it may be tempting to rely on estimations and assumptions, it’s better to verify the true numbers online. This will help you stick to your daily caloric targets and make informed decisions about what you eat. Thanks to the power of the internet, this information is easily accessible. With just a quick Google search, you can find out how many calories are in any food, from a cup of broccoli to a juicy steak. Think of your “target TDEE” as your daily budget, and each food you consume as a transaction. If your target TDEE is 1500 calories and that steak costs 800 calories, you’ll only have 700 left for the rest of the day. It’s important to spend your caloric currency wisely. And remember, every calorie counts. Tracking everything you eat can help you stay on top of your goals and avoid small slip-ups that can add up over time. So be mindful, even that one potato chip can add up to 20 calories, so put it down and keep your progress on track. Click Here for an article from our team to help you create and keep your wellness regimen!

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Optimized Humans by Sydney Brisbane